Week 10: Is anonymity possible in the digital age? Should it be?

I hope our past few days of readings and workshops have helped you develop a strong understanding of what it means to “interrogate” an interface and determine the tone and stance you want to use in your finished essay. From this point on, you should focus your attention on your assigned application, taking lots of notes and screenshots along the way. Next week, you’ll begin refining those notes into a structured essay and gather some early feedback from your peers.

Here’s what our time in class will look like during Week 10:

  • Due to popular demand on your midterm feedback cards, we’ll hold our second class debate on Tuesday. To prepare yourselves, please read Chapter 6 in Program or Be Programmed, Facebook’s policy on names, and “We Need Online Alter Egos Now More Than Ever,” by Judith S. Donath.
  • On Thursday, we will hold a feedback session and workshop for our Interrogating the Interface project. Please come to class ready to share your early findings about your assigned application with your classmates. (Practically speaking, this means you should have screenshots, an outline of your essay, and an idea about what argument(s) you want to make.)

Questions? Concerns? Just let me know.